Forestry Resources
Forests & Fire
Nearly 60% of Middle Park is covered by Coniferous and Deciduous forests. Furthermore, the lodgepole forests of Middle Park have been plagued with the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic. As a result, the majority of our mature lodgepole pine stands are now dead. Promoting post-beetle kill forest restoration and management is now critical. Middle Park Conservation District strives to 1) Improve the health and productivity of our forests through proper forest management and wildfire mitigation; 2) Increase the habitat value of our forests for the wildlife that inhabits them and use them as corridors.
Grand County Fire Restrictions
Summit County Fire Restrictions
Wildfire Mitigation Links
Ultimate Wildfire Mitigation Guide- Grand & Summit
- Home Ignition Zone & Defensible Space SELF-ASSESSMENT
- Grand County Wildfire Council Website
- Summit County Wildfire Council Website
- List of Firewise Plant Materials
- Grand County Open Burning Info
- Slash Pile Burning Guide
- Grand County Forestry Contractors
- Summit County Forestry Contractors
Wildfire Recovery Resources
Forest Management Links
- Forest Insects and Diseases
- Take a Break from the Wind! (Publication on Windbreaks & Living Snow Fences)
- CSFS Landowner Programs
- CSFS Forest Health & Management Resources
- Other CSFS Publications
- My Land Plan Website
- Estate Planning for Forest Landowners
- Colorado Tree Farmers